I'm finding it more difficult to catch Lula on film these days as she's currently making some serious mobility gains. One day she was laying there on the rug like a bloated tick, the next day she was polishing the wood floors with her pendulous under carriage. We thought she would skip the crawling thing entirely as she's typically quite insistent on being bipedal, with our help, at all times. Alas, she's proved us wrong and has mastered the time honored combat crawl. Hey, it's a start. At any rate, it happened so quickly I have since been caught many times unprepared. She lunges now, without warning. Animals, breakables, and sensitive body parts are no longer safe. Accustomed to leaving her on the floor of her bedroom for a few minutes and returning to find her in the same position, I was shocked today when I returned and couldn't find her. Had she found my car keys? The exit? Thankfully, no. Only the bathroom. But I fear it's only a matter of time before she makes her break...