While the day we met Lula brought with it the first of many memories we as a family have so far shared, it's important we remember that Lula's life, her personal story, no more began on that day than did ours. Before she was named Lula Grace, she was nurtured and loved by a family in China who called her Fu Le. And before she was named Fu Le, she was born to another family in China who, for reasons known only to them, felt unable to keep her in their care. Perhaps they too gave her a name in the brief moments they held her. While I reflect on these facts each and every day, Lula's birthday has underscored their significance for me and a deeper appreciation of these truths has emerged. Today, on Lula's first birthday, I look at our beautiful daughter, her expressive eyes, her chipmunk smile, and feel a deep and resounding loss for these families who are unable to experience the joy Lula gives us daily. It is my solemn wish for Lula's families in China that when they think of her they do so with peace, knowing in their hearts they too are remembered. To those who brought this sweet child into this world, who found her, and who cared for her in her early months, I am eternally grateful. Because of them, we are able to share each day with this delightful little girl and look forward to many memories beyond her first year.